her poetry.

Goddesses Cry Too

Goddesses Cry Too


Goddesses Cry Too explores the concept of love and all of its nuances that have been form-fitted, altered, adjusted, and re-adjusted to adhere to societal expectations - only to result in the metamorphosis that is true, unconditional love.

The poems narrated throughout this poetic journey are equally raw and vulnerable, riddled with the inaccuracy of human emotions that bounce amidst the chaos of our minds. The feelings that make us believe, or not, draw towards, or against, and question the reality of our own disposition.

This book is the opportunity we’ve been waiting for to acknowledge how we really feel. And unleash it all. Against the norm, against expectations, and against our own better judgment. These eye-opening tales of a poet are painfully real, expressing hurt, confusion, and tear-jerking growth that had to happen in order to bring this book to life.

Goddesses Cry Too. I am her. She is you.

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Cosmic Conversations
